Mental Health Statistics

Mental Health Statistics

Make Mental Health Mainstream

It’s not pleasant to think about illness, whether it’s a physical illness or mental illness. But we’ve spent too long sweeping things under the rug. The more than 1,200 lives we’ve lost since 1966 as a result of mass shootings are proof of that.

It’s time to start talking openly about mental health. It’s time to create space so people can be honest about the state of their mental wellness and feel supported seeking care when they need it.

To open up the conversation, we want to highlight some mental health statistics below.


Did You Know?

One in Five

Americans experience a mental illness in the course of any given year. (NAMI)

4% of Adults

in America have experienced serious psychological distress in the past 30 days. (CDC)

7.6% of Americans

over the age of 12 (or roughly one in 13 people) live with depression (CDC)

Anxiety Disorders

are the most common type of mental illness, affecting an estimated 19% of American adults each year. (NIMH)

One in Three

 adults will experience an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives. (NIMH)

11 Years

is the average time people wait between observing their first symptoms of mental illness and seeking care. (NAMI)

An 891% Increase

has been noted in calls to a mental health crisis hotline between March 2019 and March 2020.  (ABCNEWS)

42% +

of people with a diagnosed mental illness receive mental health services in a given year. (NIMH)


It's Time To Change The National Conversation

Clearly, mental health challenges are more common than many of us think. If you listened to our national conversation, you would think people living with mental illnesses are outliers. Actually, though, if five American adults are gathered in a room, the odds are high that at least one of them has a mental illness.

It’s important to clarify that mental illness is like physical illness in two key ways. First, it’s not the individual’s fault. Secondly, it’s treatable. But the statistics show that very few people are getting the mental health care they need.

At Hollywood Addiction Center, we run our call center so that you have someone to reach out to should you experience a mental health crisis. You can also keep this number handy in case someone you know needs help.

We also run a non-crisis mental health care platform called Talk Chime. If you’re interested in exploring convenient, comfortable telehealth mental health care, check it out.

Support Through Struggle

Your first line of defense in crisis situations.
Call us today if you or anyone you know is experiencing a crisis and needs assistance. We are ready and willing to help.

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